Sunday 14 January 2018


In the first part of the year, our self-regulation journey has been focused on identifying emotions and learning about the zones. We are now going to focus on learning about our stressors/triggers. What causes us to lose control of our emotions? Please check back often for updates as classes work through the next phase of Zones of Regulation.

Here's another great video to improve understanding, Why Do We Lose Control Of Our Emotions?

Sunday 12 November 2017


Welcome to our new blog! This site has been set up as a way to share our common vision, as parents and educators, to ensure our children are developing skills to be "READY TO LEARN" each and every day! Please use this site as resource to find quick information. Links that support our mission at St. Gabriel's can be found on the right of this page. Along the top, you will find links to specific topics. This is where we will share what is happening at school with regards to Social Emotional Learning.

Please take a minute to watch the video from Dr. Stuart Shanker as he explains self-regulation.

As per Stuart Shanker,
"Self-Regulation refers to how people manage energy expenditure, recovery and restoration in order to enhance growth. Effective self-regulation requires learning to recognize and respond to stress in all its many facets, positive as well as negative, hidden as well as overt, minor as well as traumatic or toxic."

Educators at St. Gabriel's are working with all the students to deepen our understanding of the effects of anxiety and stress on our students' learning. 

We will be following The Shanker Method as a guide to understanding Social Emotional Learning.

The practice of Shanker Self-Reg® helps people understand and respond to others (and themselves) by considering self-regulation across five interrelated domains: biological, emotion, cognitive, social, and prosocial using 
The Shanker Method®:
1.Reframe the behaviour.
2.Recognize the stressors (across the five domains).
3.Reduce the stress.
4.Reflect: enhance stress awareness.
5.Respond: develop personalized strategies to promote resilience and restoration.

Using, the program Zones of Regulation in Grades 1-6, and Conscious Discipline in the Kindergarten program, we hope to equip our students with the tools necessary to undertand their emotions and behaviours, to identify their own triggers and to use the strategies that they deem best for them. 

We look forward to having parents join us on Tuesday, Nov.21 at 7pm in the Learning Commons to find out more. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Please check back often for more information.

Julie Hanna